Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Paradox of Saving

I was at a meeting in my community last week where a local politician held an informational forum on global warming issues and highlighted some current actions that New York State is working on. People from the audience we able to ask questions and a young boy took the microphone and wondered out loud whether the adoption of low energy devices would actually have the reverse intent.

Would people rationalize that if they use a compact fluorescent bulb they don't have to turn it off when not in use because it uses so little energy?

I've heard anecdotes about Prius owners boasting that since they get such greater mileage they drive their cars more!

Are the people that watch every watt and manage every mile to reduce their consumption of energy actually increasing the supply of energy (by reducing demand) and this is keeping prices lower and allowing others to continue to afford their wasteful practices?

As J.F. Kennedy implied, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. We must all constantly recognize that we are all part of the problem and that we must actualize a global solution.

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