Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Documenting our Carbon footprint - ICLEI Software

I spent some time this afternoon with Lorraine exploring the ICLEI software and looking at the level of detail required and pondering where we will get the data. Lorraine called the Building Dept to see if permits are required for wood burning stoves and solar on peoples' homes. They are. We thought to call ConEd and NYSEG to try to get some electric usage data.

Then, Lorraine realized that this data was already compiled and electronically available from the US Census of 2000. We zoomed to the web site and indeed found the details we were looking for. The challenge is to be able to cull out specific information for all of the zip codes (10) and hamlets (5) that comprise the Town of Yorktown.

We felt like we made some significant progress and will report back next week after we have had time to gather some of this data and enter it into the inventory software.

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